Getting started


SMARTRIQS runs in Qualtrics. If you have never used Qualtrics before, here is an amazing 10-minute video tutorial by Dare McNamara, in which she explains how to use the basic features of Qualtrics. For more advanced features (such as survey logic, survey flow, piped text, etc.), you can watch her other tutorial video here. If you have used Qualtrics before, go to STEP I.

STEP I. Get your SMARTRIQS researcher ID

Before you start designing your own interactive studies, you will need a researcher ID. The researcher ID is a unique 10-digit ID that allows the SMARTRIQS server to communicate with your Qualtrics surveys.
To obtain a researcher ID, open this link and complete the sign-up form.

STEP II. Import your first SMARTRIQS survey

1. Download a .QSF file (survey template) from the OSF repository. This repository contains the survey templates for most demo experiments. If you want to design a study that is very different from these templates, download the “Generic Interactive Survey Template (GIST)”.

2. Log in to your Qualtrics account. Click on “Create new project / Create your own / Survey / From a File”, then click on “Choose file” and then select one of the .QSF files you just downloaded. Finally, name your project and click “Get Started”.

3. Qualtrics will automatically open your new project. This may take a few seconds. After the survey has loaded, open the survey flow. On the top of the survey flow you will see two embedded data variables that are not set yet: researcherID and studyID

Click on “Set a Value Now” next to researcherID and enter your smartriqs researcher ID (the one you obtained in STEP I). Click on “Set a Value Now” next to studyID and enter a name for your study. This can be anything, but each of your surveys should have a different name (studyID) and you should use only alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9), dash (-) or underscore (_). Suggested study names. Then click on “Save Flow”,  “Publish”, and “Publish”.

4. After a few seconds you will see a “Survey Activated” message with a link. Use this link to test your imported study. You should be able to start and complete the study now.

Repeat the above steps to import and launch new surveys (.QSF files).

STEP III. Create your own custom experiments

Before you create your first custom experiment, please visit the “Overview” section of the documentation.