1. Step-by-step guide: How to implement real-time interaction in online surveys

This tutorial not only provides an overview of SMARTRIQS and its potential applications but also walks readers through the step-by-step instructions for setting up a particular study (Dictator Game with chat). These instructions start from the very basics, assuming no prior expertise in online experimentation, and are accessible to everyone, even those who are less-or not at all-familiar with Qualtrics.

Click here to read or download the tutorial:  pdf


2. Video introduction and overview of features

(SPSP Freeform Fridays workshop, with Min Ju Lee, creator of SurvConf)

There is a clear trend towards online experiments in the social sciences, especially with the advent of crowd-sourcing services such as MTurk and Prolific, which allow researchers to tap into large and diverse samples and run cost-effective, high-powered studies. However, since these platforms are designed to support individual (non-interactive) experiments, social psychologists studying dyadic and group processes face difficult trade-offs between restricting their methods to offline (lab) experiments, using deception, or paying for expensive programming services. In this workshop, we introduce two free and open-source tools (SMARTRIQS & SurvConf) that allow psychologists to design large-scale online studies featuring real-time group interactions and live text/audio/video chat, without having to learn any programming language.

Session Presentations (click on links below to download slides):


3. Video tutorial: Setting up experiments in SMARTRIQS

This 90-minute workshop not only provides a conceptual overview of SMARTRIQS and its potential applications but also walks the audience through the step-by-step instructions for setting up a sample study. The workshop is accessible to everyone, regardless of prior experience with programming, Qualtrics, or online experimentation in general.

The step-by-step instructions start at 44:30.